Staff On Mission Program

Best week of summer

Staff on Mission Program

Every year, Camp Evergreen welcomes approximately sixty seasonal staff. These incredible youth and young adults make summer camp a fun, safe, and life-changing experience for the campers in our care!

The Staff on Mission Program was developed to make working at summer camp and local missions participation a possibility for youth and young adults. Family, friends, and supporters of Camp Evergreen in general are invited to financially support the program’s objectives by giving to the Staff on Mission Program.

By supporting the Staff on Mission Program, donors are sponsoring the faith-based mentorship and leadership development of youth and young adults. We invite you to prayerfully consider partnering in this life-building program by going below to find out how to donate. Thank you for your support of our seasonal staff and Camp Evergreen!

The deadline to donate to staff members is August 15th. Donations received after this date will be directed to the general fund for StOMP (Staff On Mission Program) for staff in the following fall, spring, or summer.